Astrobotany News

Updates on the world of astrobotany from

Guest Author
Emma Doughty

How do you like them space apples?

John Chapman was an American hero, introducing apple trees across Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ontario, and what is now West Virginia. While it’s charming to

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Eyes in the Sky

Imagine this: you’re an astronaut and you want to grow plants in space, but you’re worried because you might be too busy to water them

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Parabolic Flights

Parabolic flights (often called “vomit comet” flights) provide an analog platform for microgravity research. Essentially, a  reduced-gravity aircraft flies upward, then it curves like a

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Gil Cauthorn

Microgreens in Space

Microgreens in Space Why are edible plants important to space missions? Future long-term space missions are critically dependent on sustainably maintaining both the physiological and

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astrobotany interviews

This page includes all interviews we’ve conducted at, and all interviews we’ve found from other sources. If you know of any interviews not listed

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Sam Humphrey

Let’s Grow Beans in Space!

Although they seem like normal, everyday plants, beans have a hidden superpower that could make them indispensable crops for spaceflight. What makes them special? Beans,

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