Two Texas Universities Team Up To Test Stress-Detecting Plant Leaf Sensors for Astrobotany
Dr. Shawana Tabassum and Dr. Nithya Rajan are working together to test novel leaf sensors for astrobotany research. Dr. Shawana Tabassum | Image Credit: NSF
Dr. Shawana Tabassum and Dr. Nithya Rajan are working together to test novel leaf sensors for astrobotany research. Dr. Shawana Tabassum | Image Credit: NSF
The Junipero Serra High School Team that designed the experiment on the ISS | Image Credit: Serra High School Junipero Serra High School in Gardena,
A massive algae growth | Image Credit: Mihály Köles On September 12th, American Public University System (APUS) received a NASA grant to study the use
The retirement of the ISS places NASA’s LEO Activities in the hands of the private sector | Image Credit: NASA On Sep. 12th, 2023, the
It’s back-to-school season in the United States- another year where we collectively throw teachers into the gauntlet with as few resources as possible! If you’re
On ExoLab-11, Magnitude.io will be sending model legume Medicago truncatula to the ISS in Q1 of 2024. Join us as we team up to launch
From NASA HiRISE Press Release Cotton cell samples, held by NASA astronaut and Expedition 66 Flight Engineer Kayla Barron, are pictured growing on a petri
Hi all, I can barely believe it- it’s already been five fantastic years for astrobotany.com. The site was founded on February 19, 2017 in a
John Chapman was an American hero, introducing apple trees across Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Ontario, and what is now West Virginia. While it’s charming to
For the first time, NASA astronauts are growing Española chile peppers aboard the International Space Station. This past week, photos were shown of the recent