Games in Astrobotany Workshop

Astrobotany Initiative

  • Status: Inactive (Program Finished)
  • Location: Madison, WI, United States
  • Orgs Involved:, GEAR Learning, Gilroy Lab, UW-Madison, NASA, Dane County Boys & Girls Club
  • Focus Area: Astrobotany Education
  • Dates: Summer 2018
  • Goal: To engage young students in a STEM discipline while developing technical skills at an early age.

Summary partnered with the Gilroy Lab and GEAR Learning at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to help teach the Games in Astrobotany Workshop, a summer course about designing an astrobotany themed video game.

This summer-long educational program worked with students ages 9-12 from the Dane County Boys and Girls Club to teach a STEM discipline (astrobotany) through video game design.  The students were introduced to the basic concepts of spaceflight plant biology and then were assisted in making their own video game about growing plants in space.


The group met twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays for 1.5 hours.