Use of Bio-Imaging Spectrum Calibration Scales
ASOP-0006 Version 2
- Last Revision:
1.0: Purpose
The purpose of this SOP is to provide general instructions for the use of Bio-Imaging Spectrum Calibration Scales. A Bio-Imaging Spectrum Calibration Scale is a reference object used to measure samples while ensuring accuracy in biological imaging analysis. It can be utilized to calibrate color, length and skew in images taken of plants and other biological samples. Scales such as the AIRI Bio-Imaging Calibration Spectrum Scale pictured below in Fig 1.1 can be used for general astrobotany research, AIRI protocols and other citizen science projects.
2.0: Safety
Standard laboratory personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn when executing general astrobotany techniques. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for hazards and appropriate handling precautions for materials being handled for unique assays.
3.0: Definitions and Acronyms
- ASOP: Astrobotany Standard Operating Procedure
- AIRI: Astrobotany International Research Initiative
4.0: Materials
5.0: Equipment
- Computer w/ internet access
- Camera
- Imaging Software
6.0: Procedure
- Choose an imaging software appropriate for your analysis.
- Place an AIRI Bio-Imaging Calibration Scale on the same plane as the biological sample to be imaged.
- Use your software to calibrate color, length, and skew as needed.
7.0: References
- Color scales developed by Dr. Richard Barker, Gil Cauthorn, and Lucas Bauer
Version History
- Version 2 | Description: Updated figures to AIRI sticker v3 with white border | Effective: 25Aug2023
- Version 1 | Description: ASOP-0006 page created. | Effective: 26Jul2023