2 Year Anniversary and Annual Letter

February 19th 2019, marks the 2 year anniversary of astrobotany.com

I’d just like to take this moment to observe some of the accomplishments we have made as a website and community since last February.  I’m also going to briefly outline our focus for 2019 through early 2020. 

by the numbers

This year saw 6,440 unique visitors to astrobotany.com, a 48% increase in web traffic compared to our first year.

We fell just short of lifetime 10K: we’ve had 9,757 unique visitors since the site began.

projects and collaborations of 2018-19

  • Carthage College Astrobiology Course
  • First Lego League
  • BTCI Outreach
  • Wisconsin Science Festival
  • Games in Astrobotany Workshop
  • NASA GeneLab TOAST Database
  • The Astrobotany Show 
  • The Astrobotany Podcast

2019-2020 is the year of education 

This year, astrobotany.com will be placing an emphasis on astrobiology education.  We’ll be doing this a number of ways

  • we’re continuing to collaborate with educators in the Madison, WI area to perfect lesson plans to be used in classroom settings
  • we’re aiming to help develop coursework for 1-2 educational programs 
  • we’re reaching out to our connections in industry and academia to bring the botany and spaceflight communities closer together to collaborate on citizen science
  • we’re making content that appeals to younger and non-traditional audiences using a diverse media portfolio

I’m extremely proud of how the site has grown since it first started and I’m grateful for the support we’ve received all over the globe.  

As a public resource for an emerging scientific discipline, I hope astrobotany.com can set an example for how democratization of a science can be achieved through free flow of information, data accessibility, and good old fashioned graphic design. 

Let’s grow plants in space.

Kai Rasmussen

P.S. Don’t hesitate to reach out.