Let's grow plants in space.
Welcome to Astrobotany.com, a site that explores astrobotany: the field of science concerned with interactions between plant biology and space environments.
This site is a resource for those interested in spaceflight plant biology as well as terrestrial plant biology.
As we pursue dreams of space exploration, our species will continue to sustain our livelihood by cultivating plants. Our human heritage can continue in the stars; we will work as gardeners.
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Featured Pages

Plants Grown in Space
Take a look at what plants have been grown in space.

All About Plants in Space
Everything you need to know about growing plants in space.

Research Tools
Explore astrobotany research tools used to perform astrobotany research- ranging from plant habitats in space to clinostats on Earth.

Your one-stop shop for all the tools needed to perform astrobotany research.

Government Space Agencies
National space agencies have historically contributed the most to the field of astrobotany, with NASA and the USSR space program laying the foundation for the majority of modern astrobotany research.

An astrobotanist is someone who studies astrobotany or participates in astrobotany research. Anyone can be an astrobotanist- regardless of education level, ability, or experience. These astrobotanists have made major contributions to the field through their work.

Careers in Astrobotany
Learn more about how to enter the emerging field of astrobotany.