Plants and Spaceflight

Everything you need to know about plants in space.

Stressors of Spaceflight

Picture of The Basics of Plants in Space

The Basics of Plants in Space

Learn about the basics of plants in space.

Picture of Spaceflight Stress

Spaceflight Stress

What factors impact plants in space?

Picture of Gravitropism


Plants sense and respond to gravity.

Picture of Root Challenges in Space

Root Challenges in Space

In microgravity, plant roots tend to skew.

Caring for Plants in Space

Picture of Watering Plants in Space

Watering Plants in Space

Fluid dynamics can pose challenges when watering plants in space.

Picture of Optimal Lighting for Plants in Space

Optimal Lighting for Plants in Space

Efficiency is the name of the game- high-energy blue and red LED lights are typically used to grow plants in space.

Picture of Why Not Use Sunlight?

Why Not Use Sunlight?

Plants need light to live and grow, and it takes a lot of energy to grow plants using man-made light fixtures. So why don’t we use sunlight instead?

Picture of Delaying Germination of Seeds Using Far-Red Light

Delaying Germination of Seeds Using Far-Red Light

Plants need light to live and grow, and it takes a lot of energy to grow plants using man-made light fixtures. So why don’t we use sunlight instead?

Growing Plants on other Planets

Picture of Martian 'Soil'

Martian 'Soil'

Martian regolith is not great for growing plants.

Picture of Regolith Simulant

Regolith Simulant

Can we grow plants using 'soil' (regolith) from other planets?

Picture of NASA Target Crops

NASA Target Crops

What kind of plants do we want to grow in space?

Picture of Astrobotany and Climate Change

Astrobotany and Climate Change

How astrobotany research can support the fight against climate change.