Delaying Germination of Seeds Using Far-Red Light
ASOP-0005 Version 1
- Last Revision:
Table of Contents
1.0: Purpose
The purpose of this SOP is to provide instructions on how to impose dormancy in seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana using far-red light. The original scientific technique was developed by the Gilroy Laboratory at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to halt germination of A. thaliana until a planned experiment start date and to mitigate the one time stress of rocket launch. For example, in a planned experiment that compares the growth of A. thaliana on the ISS in parallel with A. thaliana on Earth, imposing seed dormancy allows a scientist on the ISS and the scientist on Earth to coordinate a definite start to the beginning of germination after the seeds travel to space. This also allows the seeds to be affected less by the one-time associated stressors of launch.
2.0: Safety
Standard laboratory personal protective equipment (PPE) should be worn when executing this technique. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for hazards and appropriate handling precautions. Have a plan to safely navigate the dark room or space when the lights are off.
3.0: Definitions and Acronyms
- ASOP: Astrobotany Standard Operating Procedure
4.0: Materials
- Arabidopsis thaliana seeds
- Aluminum Foil
- Light-proof or blackout material capable of storing the A. thaliana seeds on their culture plate or other vessel (e.g. a light-proof foil pouch bag that can be sealed and re-sealed)
5.0: Equipment
- Far-red LED lighting (e.g. CREE XP-E2 Far Red)
- An extremely dark room or space (as little light as possible)
- Timer
6.0: Procedure
- Select a room or space capable of reaching a darkness level where you are not be able to view an object (e.g. your hand) approximately 0.5 meters from your face with the lights turned off.
- Set up the far-red LED and place all aluminum foil and light-proof bags/materials in this room.
- Prepare seeds for the desired assay, as if getting ready to begin the experiment. For example, sterilize the Arabidopsis thaliana seeds and sow them on prepared media in a 10 cm x 10 cm Petri dish.
- Shortly after preparing the seeds, bring them into the previously prepared room.
- Position the seeds closely underneath the turned off far-red LED light so the seeds will be receiving intense and total coverage from the far-red light.
- Shut the lights off, wait 5 seconds, then turn on the far-red LED light to irradiate the seeds. Irradiate the seeds for no less than 5 minutes.
- After 5 minutes, wrap the seeds completely and thoroughly with aluminum foil. Then bag and seal the foil wrapped seeds. Then bag and seal again (double bag).
- Seeds can then be stored as they normally would- expose to light again to begin germination when desired.
7.0: References
- Development of Equipment that Uses Far-Red Light to Impose Seed Dormancy in Arabidopsis for Spaceflight
- Attributable to: Caleb Fitzgerald, Richard Barker, Won-Gyu Choi, Sarah Swanson, Shawn Stephens, Colleen Huber, Amit Nimunkar, and Simon Gilroy
Version History
- Version 1 | Description: ASOP-0005 page created. | Effective: 27Jul2023