Common Astrobotany Definitions and Acronyms
ASOP-0004 Version 1
- Last Revision:
1.0: Purpose
The purpose of this SOP is to cover common astrobotany definitions and acronyms.
2.0: Common Astrobotany Definitions and Acronyms
- ABRS: Advanced Biological Research System
- ADSEP: Advanced Space Experiment Processor
- ADVASC: Advanced Astroculture
- AFT: Advanced Food Technology
- ALS: Advanced Life Support
- ALSARM: Advanced Life Support Automated Remote Manipulator (located in the BPC)
- ALSARM-EE: Advanced Life Support Automated Robotic Manipulator–End Effector (also BPC)
- APEX: Advanced Plant Experiments
- APH: Advanced Plant Habitat
- ARG: Astrobotany Research Group (at Oregon State University)
- ASOP: Astrobotany Standard Operating Procedure
- ASRM: Artificial Sunlight Research Module
- BDL: Below Detection Limit
- BFS: Bioregenerative Food Systems
- BLS: Bioregenerative Life Support
- BLSS: Bioregenerative Life Support System
- BPC: Biomass Production Chamber
- BPS: Biomass Production System
- BPSe: Biomass Production System for Education
- BRF: Bioregenerative Food Systems
- BRIC: Biological Research in Canisters
- BRIC-SyNRGE: Biological Research in Canisters Symbiotic Nodulation in a Reduced Gravity Environment
- CAB: Controllo Ambientale Biorigenerativo (BLS program, Italian Space Agency)
- CARA: Characterizing Arabidopsis Root Attractions
- CASIS: Center for the Advancement of Science in Space
- CBEF: Cell Biology Experiment Facility
- CCSC: Candidate Crop Selection Committee
- CE: Controlled Environment
- CEA: Controlled Environmental Agriculture
- CEH: Controlled Environment Horticulture
- CELL: Controlled Environment Lighting Lab (Michigan State)
- CELSS: Controlled Ecological Life Support Systems
- CEPP: Controlled Environment Plant Production
- CESRF: Controlled Environment Systems Research Facility (University of Guelph, Ontario)
- CGBA: Commercial Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
- CHROMEX: Chromosome and Plant Cell Division in Space
- CPBF: Commercial Plant Biotechnology Facility
- CRLSS: Closed Regenerative Life Support System
- CUE-TSIPS: Collaborative Ukrainian Experiment-Teachers and Students Investigating Plants in Space
- cv: Cultivar (‘cv’ should be lowercase)
- DAP: Days After Planting
- DRATS: Desert Research and Technology Studies (also abbreviated to Desert RATS)
- DST: Deep Space Transit
- DWSIS: Dual Wavelength Spectral Imaging System
- EC: Experiment Container
- ECLS: Environmental Control and Life Support
- ECM: Energy Cascade Model
- ECS: Environmental Control Subsystem
- EMCS: European Modular Cultivation System
- EOM: End of Mission (in Greenwich Mean Time)
- EUE: Experiment Unique Equipment
- EXPRESS Racks: Expedite the Process of Experiments to Space Station Racks (on the ISS)
- FEG: Future Exploration Greenhouse
- FPA: Fluid Processing Apparatus
- GAP-FPA: Group Activation Pack-Fluid Processing Apparatus
- GBE: Growing Beyond Earth
- GC/gc: Ground Control: Often used when labeling assays to define which plant samples were grown on Earth.
- GCSA: Growth Chamber Structural Assembly
- GE: Gas Exchange
- GEMS: Gas Exchange Measurement System
- GFP: Green Fluorescent Protein (selectable marker)
- GL4HS: GeneLab for High Schools
- GN2: Gaseous Nitrogen (N2)
- GUI: Graphical User Interface (pronounced “gooey”)
- HACCP: Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point
- HCU: Humidity Control Unit
- HDU: Habitat Demonstration Unit
- HPS Lamp: High Pressure Sodium Lamp
- HRP: NASA’s Human Research Program
- ICES: International Conference on Environmental Systems
- ICM: Isothermal Containment Module (in the CGBA)
- ISPR: International Standard Payload Rack
- ISR: In-situ Resources
- ISRU: In-Situ Resource Utilization
- ISS: International Space Station
- KFT: Kennedy Space Center Fixation Tube
- KSC: Kennedy Space Center
- LDEF: Long Duration Exposure Facility
- LDSM: Long Duration Space Mission
- LED: Light-emitting Diode
- LEO: Low Earth Orbit
- LGH: Lunar Greenhouse
- LiRHiPliSME: Literature Review of Higher Plants in Space for MELiSSA project
- LMM: Light Microscopy Module (on the ISS)
- LPGC: Low Pressure Growth Chamber
- LSDA: NASA’s Life Sciences Data Archive
- LSSW: Lunar Surface Science Workshop
- MELiSSA: Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative
- MLGH: Mars-Lunar Greenhouse
- MVP: Multi-use Variable G-Platform
- NCERA: North Central Education Research Activity
- NDVI: Normalized Difference Vegetative Index
- NFT: Nutrient Film Technique
- NL: National Lab
- NSCORT: NASA Specialized Center of Research and Training
- NSPIRES: NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System
- OCAM: Object-oriented CELSS Analysis and Modeling
- OBC: On-board Computer
- OES: Orbital Environment Simulator
- ORAC: Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (to measure antioxidant capacity)
- ORU: Orbital Replaceable Unit
- PALACE: Permanent Astrobase Life-support Artificial Closed Ecosystem (i.e. Lunar Palace)
- PASC: Portable Astroculture Chamber
- PDA: Power Distribution Assembly
- PDFU: Petri Dish Fixation Unit
- PEM: Pressurized Excursion Module
- PESTO: Photosynthesis Experiment and System Testing and Operation
- PEU: Plant Experiment Unit
- PFPU: Precursor of Food Production Unit
- PGBA: Plant Generic Bioprocessing Apparatus
- PGC: Plant Growth Chamber
- PGF: Plant Growth Facility
- PGS: Plant Growth System
- PGU: Plant Growth Unit
- PH: Plant Habitat
- PHARMER: Plant Habitat Avionics Realtime Manager in EXPRESS Rack
- PHMU: Plant Habitat Main Unit
- PI: Principal Investigator
- PONDS: Passive Orbital Nutrient Delivery System
- PRU: Plant Research Unit
- PTNDS: Porous Tube Nutrient Delivery System
- PTIM: Porous Tube Insert Module (for the PGBA)
- PTMC: Plant The Moon Challenge
- RBA: Regolith-Based Agriculture
- RLSS: Regenerative Life Support Systems (BLSS is the more common version)
- RH: Relative Humidity
- ROS: Reactive Oxygen Species
- RUE: Resource Use Efficiency
- SALAD: Space Agriculture Laboratory Analysis Database
- SALSA: Space And Life Support Agriculture
- SABRE: Space Agricultural and Biotechnology Research and Education
- SABL: Space Automated Bioproduct Lab
- SDS: Safety Data Sheet
- SEEDS: Space Exposed Experiment Developed for Students
- SG: Space Greenhouse (as in, SVET SG)
- SIMBOX: Science in Microgravity Box
- SIMoN: Spacefaring Intelligent Modular Nursery
- SMA: Structural Mounting Assembly
- SNDS: Substrate Nutrient Delivery System (for use on PGBA)
- STI: Scientific and Technical Information (NASA)
- TAGES: Transgenic Arabidopsis Gene Expression System
- TCS: Thermal Control Subsystem
- TICTOC: Targeting Improvement in Cotton Through Orbital Cultivation
- TOAST: Test Of Arabidopsis Space Transcriptome
- TRL: Technology Readiness Level
- TROPI: Tropism in Plants
- TVT: Technology Validation Test
- USDA’s NIFA: United States Department of Agriculture: National Institute for Food and Agriculture
- VEGGIE: Vegetable Production System
- VESGEN: Software Vessel Generation Software
- VOC: Volatile Organic Compound
- VPU: Vegetable Production Unit
- VV: Vegetation Vessel
- WCSAR: Wisconsin Center for Automation and Space Robotics
- WONDER: Water Offset Nutrient Delivery ExpeRiment (for use on PGBA)
- WRADS: Water Recovery And Distribution System
- XROOTS: eXposed Roots On-Orbit Test System
3.0: References
Version 1 List compiled by Sam Humphrey.
Version History
- Version 1 | Description: ASOP-0004 page created. | Effective: 30Jun2023